Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I would've been a shit scientist...

For all my observations and declarations and hypothesizing would have gone unproven because clearly I cannot even maintain the simplest of self-imposed experiments - this daily writing journal. MY scientific method is lacking in follow through. Granted, it has been significantly busier at work in the last 1 1/2 weeks...

Between cold-calling the ridiculously rich Malibu home owners whom one of my bosses shares sand with in the summer (of the names Ovitz, Spielberg and the like) to collect their email addresses for a community website... AND being chosen as unofficial "Emmy submission coordinator" because - besides my given qualifications of working for the exec producer and being a clearly capable, agency-trained animatron - apparently certain other (also agency-trained) assistant(s) are too busy not knowing what the fuck is going on despite being 35 and, I repeat, AN ASSISTANT.

Ooh, that was a wee tangent there. Where was I? Oh yeah, my point... Between all that bullshit and my own procrastination habits and some hormonal shifts thanks to a new BC pill I'm taking... I haven't had the time for my mind to come fully round from boredom to actually being inspired to write. Not even a rambling entry such as this. I failed my own experiment! Perhaps there's still hope for me yet though...

As any good scientist knows, a single experiment does not a hypothesis prove. Or something like that. Basically, this last week was just Round 1. From which I deduced:

Self-discipline is a bitch, man!

And that is in clinical terms.

Now I move on to Round 2. Identify scheduled time each day when subject (me) must perform manual word processing (writing) in attempt to develop mindset of habitual creation.

So. 11am. Time enough to get in to office, make some tea and egg whites, enjoy a little social time, scan a couple daily emails and then GET TO IT. Facebook, be damned!

I will dominate... MYSELF!

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